RAJA Constanta is preparing investments of 40.3 million lei in 26 photovoltaic energy production plants, said Ciprian Banciu, energy and digitization project manager in the companiy, at the conference “Digitalization and Energy Efficiency – Constanța”.
The 26 investment targets will total an installed capacity of 6,000 kWp and generate almost 6.7 MWh of electricity.
The company is currently in the process of identifying funding sources for these projects.
RAJA is the largest regional public operator in the field of drinking water supply and wastewater treatment services in Romania and operates in the counties of Constanța, Ialomița, Călărași, Ilfov, Dâmbovița, Bacău and Brașov.
Compania deservește peste trei milioane de beneficiari din 170 de localități și are investiții din fonduri nerambursabile de peste 1,1 miliarde de euro în extinderea și modernizarea rețelelor de apă și de canalizare.
Last year, the company’s energy consumption was 94.5 MWh (equivalent to 83.6 million lei), which represented a 17.3% share of the total expenditure for producing one cubic metre of water.
This is the second largest share of total operating costs after personnel costs.
The company decided to invest in photovoltaic panels to cut energy costs, which have risen by 200% in recent years.
The conference “Digitalization and Energy Efficiency – Constanța” was organized by Energynomics, with the support of our partners: ADC, Elektra Renewable Support, FPPG, WALDEVAR Energy.