Acasă » Electricity » Trading & Distribution » Rețele  Electrice Dobrogea  – over 162 mln. lei in Călărași energy infrastructure

Rețele  Electrice Dobrogea  – over 162 mln. lei in Călărași energy infrastructure

16 September 2024

Rețele Electrice Dobrogea has launched, through the public procurement IT system (SEAP) a procurement procedure for the modernization of medium and low voltage networks in Călărași county.  The total amount tendered is about 118 million lei, while the value of the project amounts to 162.1 million lei, of which 106.7 million lei will be provided by the Modernization Fund, a special fund designed to improve energy infrastructure and support the transition to a more efficient and sustainable distribution system.

“With this significant investment, we aim to create a modern and resilient electricity infrastructure that meets today’s energy efficiency and sustainability requirements. Upgrading the networks will bring real benefits to our customers and help reduce losses and unplanned outages.” stated Florin Aprodu, Director of Rețele Electrice Dobrogea.

Therefore, in Calalrasi County, parts of the medium and low voltage networks in five localities will be upgraded, the project value is 162.1 million lei, of which the maximum amount provided from the Modernization Fund is 106.7 million lei. About 7,600 customers in Frumusani, Vasilati, Galbinasi, Plataresti and Fundeni will benefit from the modernization of 41 km of medium voltage network, over 7 km of low voltage, 57 transformer stations and about 150 connections. At the same time, the network in the area will be extended by more than 32 km for the medium-voltage segment and by another 8 km for the low-voltage segment, and four new transformer substations will be installed.

This modernization project will contribute to a safer and more efficient electricity infrastructure, improving the quality of the electricity supply service and reducing the risk of accidents. It will also increase the reliability of the medium-voltage network. In addition, investments in underground networks and the modernization of transformer substations will facilitate better management of energy consumption and help reduce individual consumption and network losses.

Another important aspect of the modernization of the networks is the integration of a complex automated distribution management system, financed by European funds. This system will be implemented at all voltage levels (high, medium and low voltage) and will add new intelligent functionalities to the medium and low voltage networks over the next 3-5 years. These modern technologies will have a significant impact on the network upgraded and extended by this project, maximizing the benefits of digitization and streamlining of electricity distribution processes. The electricity grid will be prepared for a future installation of smart meters to household and non-household consumers, and the premises for monitoring the grid down to the point of consumption will be introduced.

The deadline for submission of bids is October 22, 2024 and the contract duration is 36 months.




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