Romania imported on Monday, in the first part of the day, more than 1,000 MW of electricity, exceeding even 1,400 MW, in the conditions of very high temperatures and the operation of a single nuclear reactor from Cernavoda, Transelectrica data show.
The highest value of imports, of 1,402 MW, was reached around 9:00, according to Agerpres.
At 11:50, imports were of 1,003 MW. National consumption amounted to 7,799 MW, and production to 6,796 MW.
In first place was hydro (34%), followed by coal (20%), hydrocarbons (18%), nuclear (14%), photovoltaic (10%), wind (0.69%) and biomass (0.66%).
This in the context in which Unit 2 of the Cernavoda nuclear power plant stopped on its own, on Saturday, following a malfunction and was restarted only on Monday morning at 7:00.
At 11:50, the Cernavoda plant produced at a capacity of only 966 MW, compared to the usual 1,400 MW.
At the same time, the national electricity consumption is high, due to the high temperatures that have covered most of the country these days.