Do not miss the opportunity to find out the latest trends in smart metering and how you can be part of these trends, by participating in a new edition of Energy Breakfast Club – Smart metering, smart grids, smart people, on April 29, from 9 A.M., at Godot Cafe in Bucharest.
Among the organizations that have already expressed their interest there are: Adrem Invest, AT Kearney, ASE – Academia de Studii Economice, Centrul pentru Promovarea Energiilor Regenerabile si Eficienta Energetica – Academia Română, Conpet, Emerson Ridgid Tools, Energy Design & Consulting SRL, Energyneers Romania, Hidro Tarnița, Lisscom, Petrotel Lukoil, Optim Project Management, Orange România, Repower, SAP România and SGS România.
Access to Energy Breakfast Club is open to all professionals in the Romanian energy industry and related sectors, based on the call from You are welcomed to write us at and ask for an invitation!
Energy Breakfast Club is a meeting of 2 to 3 hours where energy specialists have the opportunity to keep themselves up to date with the latest information and the most influential views on one the hot topics of the moment.
Emil Calotă, vicepresident ANRE – National Authority for Regulation in the Energy sector will open the day with a presentation on this year’s perspectives for this specific field. We will find out what is the Authority’s action plan and expectations.
Fabrizio Carboni, SEE Energy Practice Leader SAS Inc., will brief you on the solutions at hand for modernization and for increased performance in the power sector, with an accent on the newest solutions for data monitoring, transmission and management in the power distribution sector. Here there are some questions that will receive proper answers: Is a SMART GRID / METERING project a scarecrow? What is it I need to be prepared to manage the project effectively? What is relevant to have defined before the project and roll-out will happen? Do we have a general and correct overview of the implications, needs, components and advantages offered by an investment like that? Did we analyze similar projects? Why some countries are rolling out to the second generation of smart meters? Which is the correct and efficient architecture to capture data? What can we say about the ROI using the newly collected information?
Around 80 professionals in the energy sector will participate the event, among them representatives of the largest distribution companies, as well as representatives from major communication and data management companies in Romania. There will be also be present representatives from profesional associations in the field, as well as high profile officials from the relevant regulatory agencies (NAMR, ANRE, Minister for Environment).
Smart metering for power distribution in Romania is still a promise. There are clear targets for 2020 and significant amounts of money already engaged as scheduled investments. The actual implementation remains a topic of discussion between companies and regulators. Few information came out on the financial sustainability of smart metering, while experiences from other countries are not entirely conclusive.
- Where do we stay today with the smart metering program?
- In this regard, what are the priorities for ANRE and how do they meet the business plans of the major power distributors?
- How it is smart metering to be integrated into the larger picture of increased energy efficiency?
- Are there any examples of good practice in this field?
- How to connect the electricity industry with other sectors (IT, software, big time analytics, telecom etc) in order to turn the smart metering project into reality?
Come and find out at Energy Breakfast Club!
This event is organised by with the support of our partners: SGS România, SAS Inc., Emerson – Ridgid Tool Division, ALD Automotive, ATE3, BCR Pensii, Sarto.
Among the invited companies there are ABB, AB Energy Romania, Adrem Invest, ATH Energ, CEZ Romania SA, Emerson Ridge Tools, Enel, EON, Flash Group, GdF, Romelectro, Slow Energy Europe, SGS Romania, Electrica, Schneider Electric, Energobit, ISPE, GE Energy, Kapsch, Siemens, Servelect, CISCO România, AEM Timișoara, Ericsson Telecommunications, Elster Rometrics, Novensys.