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Solar project worth 14 mln. at Therme, 30% with European funds


The Ministry of Energy supported a project carried out in Baloteşti, in Ilfov county, with the support of European funds allocated through the PNRR, the investment representing a strategic decision for the creation of a sustainable consumption model, wrote, on Saturday, on his Facebook page, the relevant minister, Sebastian Burduja.

“Today I want to tell you about another project carried out with the support of European funds allocated through PNRR and which the Ministry of Energy supported. SC Therme Nord Bucharest SRL is ready to complete the power plant with photovoltaic panels in Baloteşti, Ilfov county, a project that represents an investment of over 14 million lei, of which 4.78 million lei are non-reimbursable funds”, stressed Burduja.

This plant has an installed capacity of 2.4 MW and will annually produce 3,169 MWh of energy from renewable sources. Of this production, almost 92% will be used for self-consumption, which will considerably reduce the company’s electricity costs and will directly contribute to reducing pollution.

“It is a modern solution that meets both economic needs and environmental protection requirements,” said the minister.

In his opinion, the Baloteşti investment is not just a reaction to the current challenges on the energy market, but a strategic decision for the creation of a sustainable consumption model, adapted for the future. By using solar energy and increasing local production capacities, such projects reduce the economic impact of high energy costs and create the necessary infrastructure for a “safer, more efficient and more independent” energy system, according to Agerpres.

“Romania needs such initiatives to be supported and multiplied. Each project of this kind brings direct economic benefits, by reducing costs and increasing competitiveness, and a positive impact on local communities and the environment”, the Minister of Energy also wrote on the social media page

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