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Solutions for reducing energy consumption (May 18, Cluj-Napoca)

Thursday, on May 18th, from 9 am at Ferdinand Conference Hall, Ramada Hotel, in Cluj-Napoca, organizes its second event dedicated to Energy Efficiency: “Solutions for reducing energy consumption”, within the project Start2Act, funded under the European Union’s Research and Innovation Program Horizon 2020. The event aims to raise awareness and understanding of what it is and how can… 

Actions for sustainable energy use (April 25, Iaşi)

Tuesday, on April 25th, from 9 am at Rossini Conference Hall, Congress Hall, in Iaşi, organizes, within the project Start2Act, funded under the European Union’s Research and Innovation Program Horizon 2020, its first event dedicated to Energy Efficiency: “Actions for a sustainable consumption of energy”. Evenimentul îşi propune să crească nivelul de conștientizare și de înţelegere…