Energy prices up to 110 euro per MWh, Hidroelectrica sold at 177 euro
If last week the energy price reached about 100 euros per MWh, during Wednesday, January 18th, it registered a peak…
Lungu, AFEER: I don’t think prices will rise, we notified Transelectrica about the export ban
The cold weather caused a dramatic hike in energy prices in the short term all over Europe, with a level…
14 candidates per seat for Hidroelectrica’s Supervisory Board
No less than 84 candidates have applied for the six positions in the Supervisory Board of the Society of Hydroelectric…
16 energy companies in Romanian top 50 by turnover, in 2015
16 energy companies appear in the top of the 50 biggest companies from Romania in 2015 compiled by Ziarul Financiar.…
Cristian Buşu (energynomics.ro Magazine): Hidroelectrica could sell up to 23% of its shares on the stock market
Cristian Bușu is a secretary of state with the Ministry of Energy since 10 November 2015 and one of the…
Hidroelectrica, responsibility policies worth 50 mln. euro
Hidroelectrica wants to conclude a professional liability insurance policy for all members of the Supervisory Board and of the Directorate,…
Hidroserv could go insolvent; blames the lack of orders from Hidroelectrica
Hidroserv’s Board of Directors may ask the insolvency of Hidrosev today, according to market sources. Board of Directors of Hidroserv,…
G. Dumitraşcu: I resigned from RADET. I will run for Hidroelectrica
Gabriel Dumitraşcu will run for the leadership of Hidroelectrica, following the resignation from the Board of Directors of RADE, he…
Borza: Iron Gates II central was modernized at an exorbitant price
Porțile de Fier II hydroelectric plant was refurbished at a price 12 times higher than that of Lotru-Ciunget unit, says…
Sobolewski (Bursa): BSE capitalization fell, Hidroelectrica’s IPO – saviour
The market capitalization decreased since the beginning of the year, while the BET index lost 8-10%, but energy IPOs could…
Konieczny, FP: Nevermind the Brexit – Hidroelectrica, OMV Petrom should list on LSE
Hidroelectrica and OMV Petrom should keep their plans and list at the London Stock Exchange in spite of the Brexit,…
Four companies have produced three-quarters of Romania’s electricity in 2015
Hidroelectrica, Nuclearelectrica, CE Oltenia, and OMV Petrom produced 74,47% ot the entire electricity delivered in 2015, a NARE report shows.…