OPCOM: Energy price increased by 75% in December year-on-year
The electricity price on the OPCOM stock exchange spot market (Day-Ahead Market – PZU) had an average of 701.88 lei…
The electricity price on the OPCOM stock exchange spot market (Day-Ahead Market – PZU) had an average of 701.88 lei…
The price of electricity on the spot market of the OPCOM exchange increased again in July, after the advance of…
Bogdan Tudorache The price of electricity on the spot market (day ahead market, DAM) reached again the historical maximum of…
The front-year contract for German power rose to a fresh six-year high of EUR 50.15/MWh on Monday, buoyed by a…
###author### Even if the green certificates price (CV) drops, in the context of green energy quota drop to 11.1% due…