Acasă » Electricity » The employees of Smart SA, a subsidiary of Transelectrica, are calling a general strike from 10 March, against the train-train ordinance

The employees of Smart SA, a subsidiary of Transelectrica, are calling a general strike from 10 March, against the train-train ordinance

19 February 2025

The National Federation of Electricity Trade Unions “UNIVERS”, the trade union organisation of the employees of the Company for Maintenance Services of the Electricity Transmission Grid “SMART” – SA, have announced their intention to strike “against the social and economic policy of the Government”. The protest is scheduled to start on 10 March 2025. SMART SA is a subsidiary of the national system operator Transelectrica and employs about 600 people. After six years of losses, SMART SA turned profitable in 2021 and accumulated a net profit of almost 13 million lei in 2021-2023.

In a public letter, the Federation’s president, Nicolae Buzea, invokes the effects of the Government’s social and economic policies that lead to the reduction of some rights provided for in the Collective Labour Contract 2024-2026 within SMART SA.06.06.2024, the National Federation of Electricity Trade Unions “UNIVERS” ascertained that starting from 2025 the salary rights of the employees of SMART SA Company will be those in payment at the level of November 2024 by the application of the Emergency Ordinance no. 156/2024 on some fiscal-budgetary measures in the field of public expenditure for the substantiation of the consolidated general budget for the year 2025.”

The Emergency Ordinance no.156/2024 (“Ordinance-train”), introduces new measures for fiscal consolidation and the fight against tax evasion summarised HERE by PwC experts. The changes affect almost every company and every employee in Romania.

The National Federation of Electricity Trade Unions “UNIVERS” calls for the exemption of SMART SA from the application of GEO 156, which has the impact of blocking the application of wage rights negotiated by the Collective Labour Contract, restricting wage and social benefits, creating discrimination and demotivation of employees, increased vulnerability to legal action by affected employees.

In a recent decision, the People’s Advocate rejected a complaint submitted by the National Trade Union Confederation Cartel ALFA regarding GEO 156/2024, stating that its provisions do not violate constitutional provisions and that the amendments imposed by the ordinance comply with the legal principles in force.


How the revenues are affected by GEO 156/2024 – the case of SMART SA

Promotion/Promotion Fund

  • Starting 01.12.2024, a fund of 500 lei/employee is allocated for advancement/promotion, granted only after the BVC/2024 rectification, with the approval of the trade union leaders and the approval of the Director General.

Prizes and bonuses

  • Possibility of awarding bonuses to employees (only from the savings registered in the payroll fund and with the approval of the trade union organisation).
  • Awards for outstanding achievements and contribution to economic-financial indicators are granted only with the approval of the Director-General and a joint employer-union committee.

Jubilee seniority bonuses

  • Entitlement of employees with uninterrupted seniority in SMART SA and its predecessor organisations to receive jubilee bonuses.

Financial support for special events

  • 4.000 lei for marriage, birth or begetting of a child
  • 4.500 lei for the death of a family member
  • 11,000 lei for the death of an employee
  • Aid for expensive medical treatment.


  • Travel passes/tickets for employees living more than 15 kilometres from their place of work.

Parental leave and benefits

  • Paid leave for pregnancy and childbirth, including accumulation of leave after childbirth.
  • In the event of the death of the mother, the father (SMART SA employee) may take the remaining leave.
  • Compensation for the difference between the basic salary and the statutory allowance during parental leave.

Special gifts and bonuses

  • Financial benefits for employees on Christmas, Easter, 8 March, 1 June and birthdays.
  • Gifts or money for employees’ children (up to the age of 18).
  • Possibility of gifts for the Energetician’s Day, depending on the company’s financial resources.

Prime la pensionare

  • Employees who retire receive a single award based on seniority and basic salary.

Help for pensioners

  • Former SMART SA employees (with a minimum of 15 years of employment or the last 10 consecutive years before retirement) benefit from an annual material aid equivalent to 1,200 kWh of free electricity.

Electricity for employees

  • Employees receive a cash benefit equivalent to 2,400 kWh/year.

Optional health insurance

  • SMART SA shall bear the costs of voluntary health insurance premiums up to the maximum deductible provided for by law.
  • Includes consultations, analyses, imaging investigations, dental treatment, hospitalisation and medical transport.

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