E.ON, represented by Chief Financial Officer Marc Spieker, has been named a member of the Sustainable Finance Platform. Composed of public as well as private sector experts, the platform will act as the European Commission’s central advisory body on sustainable finance.
The platform will mainly advise the Commission on the technical screening criteria for an EU taxonomy, which is a classification system for economic activities that contributes substantially to climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation and other environmental objectives, that it would include, among others, the transition to a circular economy or the protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems.
The members of the Sustainable Financing Platform were selected on the basis of skills in the fields of environment, sustainable financing or human/ social rights.
Marc Spieker has solid expertise in sustainable finance. Since his appointment as Chief Financial Officer, E.ON has become Germany’s largest corporate green bond issuer, tying its syndicated credit facility’s EUR 3.5 billion line of credit to the performance of certain ESG ratings, introducing new and ambitious climate goals in line with the Paris Agreement and supporting the “Task Force on Publication of Climate Financial Information.”
Marc Spieker will be supported in his work for the Platform by a team of experts from the E.ON group.