Acasă » Analyses » The pace of building renovation must accelerate to reach our climate targets (EPG study)

The pace of building renovation must accelerate to reach our climate targets (EPG study)

12 February 2025

To reach the 2030 targets, Romania needs to substantially increase renovation rates in both the residential and non-residential sectors, Energy Policy Group (EPG) experts find in a recently published report. In the residential sector, the current renovation rate of 0.5% needs to increase to 2.5% by 2025 and 4% by 2045. In the non-residential sector, the renovation rate needs to reach 2.4% by 2025 and 3% by 2030, maintaining this level until 2050.

For Romania to reach the new energy efficiency targets, it must prioritise the renovation of low-energy buildings (energy classes E, F and G) to bring them up to higher standards, equivalent to class B or A. The EPG team estimates that at least 16% of the built stock, especially the most inefficient structures, needs to be renovated to meet European requirements.



Local authorities have a key role to play in the implementation of these objectives and must adopt coherent policies to support and finance the renovation of buildings. The report also recommends setting realistic targets for the uptake of heat pumps and a reassessment of energy consumption projections in the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (NECP).

Report “Accelerating energy efficiency and decarbonisation in the construction sector. Scenario for achieving EU and national targets” (EPG Policy Papers, February 2025) emphasises that the current pace of renovation is insufficient to support the energy and climate transition at national level.

The revisions of EU legislative files, aligning with the net-zero emissions target for 2050 and the 55% net emissions reduction by 2030, are ushering in opportunities for the building sector to accelerate emissions reductions through increased energy efficiency and decarbonisation measures. Driven by advancements in energy efficiency and low-emissions HVAC systems, the building sector has shown significant untapped potential for decarbonisation.

Prepared by Aura Oancea, Constantin Postoiu and Luiza Zăpucioiu, the report “Accelerating energy efficiency and decarbonisation in the construction sector. Scenario for achieving EU and national targets” (EPG Policy Papers, February 2025) is available HERE.

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