Hidroelectrica signed the contract for the modernization of the 110 KV Electric Station within the CHE Brădișor, part of the Lotru hydro-power plant. The work, worth 5.37 million lei excluding VAT, involves the provision of repair services and the installation of equipment and was awarded to the company TIAB Bucharest, following an open public auction attended by 4 bidders. The award criterion was that of the best price/ quality ratio.
The works will be financed from Hidroelectrica’s own sources. “The modernization works at Brădișor are to be completed by the end of 2020. Each step taken in the sense of rejuvenating the objectives of the energy system is important and the business vision of Hidroelectrica goes in this direction. There is a need for sustained modernization,” said Bogdan Badea, President of the Hidroelectrica’s board. “We want to follow the business plan that we made and that was approved by the shareholders. We are among the few companies in Romania that have the financial power to make significant investments in the energy sector, and – moreover, have the desire to do so.”
The hydropower development Lotru is the most complex on the inland rivers of Romania, being unique at the same time by the adopted layout scheme, which is based on the principle of concentration of flows and falls.