Transelectrica participated, together with 29 other Romanian companies, both public energy companies, including Transgaz, Romgaz, Nuclearelectrica and Electrica, and private companies, in the Romania-Italy Economic Forum, organized in Rome by the Romanian Embassy in Italy. The event took place on the occasion of the joint meeting of the governments of the two countries, a representative event for bilateral relations.
As the National Transmission System Operator, Transelectrica is an important pillar in the development of the Romanian economy. Attended by more than 120 Italian companies, Transelectrica representatives explored opportunities for collaboration and exchange of experience with the Italian economic environment. Investment, maintenance and system operation were the main areas of interest addressed in the discussions with the Italian business community by Transelectrica’s management and technical experts responsible for the three areas.
On the occasion of their participation in the forum, Transelectrica’s management, Cătălin Dascăl – Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Alexandru Vasilescu – member of the Supervisory Board, Ștefăniță Munteanu – Chairman of the Management Board and Florin Tătaru – member of the Management Board, had a meeting with representatives of Terna – the Italian Transmission and System Operator. The topics of discussion were related to the strengthening of cooperation between the two transmission and system operators members of ENTSO-E, with a focus on the exchange of experience in terms of energy infrastructure development, interconnections and renewable energy integration.
The economic forum took place on the margins of the joint meeting of the Romanian and Italian governments, an event that marks the strengthening of bilateral cooperation through the signing of a new Strategic Partnership Declaration.
The Romania-Italy Economic Forum aimed to promote opportunities for Romanian-Italian cooperation. The Forum’s discussion sessions were opened by the foreign ministers of the two countries and addressed specific topics in four areas: energy, metal-mechanical industry and infrastructure, IT&C and agro-industry.