The Transgaz National Natural Gas Transmission Company registered a net profit of 166.938 million lei last year, 1.03% higher than the previous year, according to the consolidated interim results sent on Friday to the Bucharest Stock Exchange. At the same time, Petru Ion Văduva was appointed Chairman of the Board of Transgaz for the next four months.
Compared to the consolidated achievements of 2020, the consolidated preliminary gross profit was higher by 16%, respectively by 32.372 million lei, amounting to 231.924 million lei.
Revenues from domestic transport totaled 1.164 billion lei last year, and those from international transport 72.037 million lei.
As of December 31, 2021, Transgaz had total assets of 7.963 billion lei and debts of 4.004 billion lei.
SNTGN Transgaz SA is the technical operator of the National Gas Transmission System (SNT) and ensures the transport of over 90% of the natural gas consumed in Romania.
Since 2008, Transgaz has been an active presence on the Romanian capital market, the company being listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange. Transgaz’s shareholding structure is: 58.5097% of the shares are held by the Romanian State represented by the Government through the General Secretariat of the Government and 41.4903% by other free-float shareholders.