Acasă » General Interest » UNTRR: The positive vote granted to the Mobility Package disadvantages the Romanian hauliers

UNTRR: The positive vote granted to the Mobility Package disadvantages the Romanian hauliers

24 September 2019
General Interest

The positive vote granted to the Mobility 1 legislative package by MEPs from the European Parliament’s Transport and Tourism Commission (TRAN) is extremely unfavorable for Romanian carriers, draws the attention of the National Union of Road Carriers of Romania (UNTRR), in a statement.

“UNTRR considers the vote of the Committee on Transport and Tourism of the European Parliament (TRAN) extremely unfavorable, whereby it was decided that the most important 3 files of the Mobility Package 1 should not be sent back to the European Commission, starting from scratch a new legislative process. MEPs of TRAN decided on 19.09.2019, in an extraordinary meeting in Strasbourg, to maintain the 3 files of the Mobility Package 1 from the previous legislature and to continue the European legislative process,” says document drafted by the Union National of the Romanian Road Carriers, quoted by Agerpres.

UNTRR expressed its appreciation for the involvement of the Romanian MEPs present at the Commission meeting, who voted against the approval of the Mobility Package 1, therefore in support of the Romanian carriers.

The positive vote registered in the European Parliament’s Transport Commission “opens the way for a final vote in TRAN on Tuesday, September 24, 2019 regarding the start of the interinstitutional negotiations with the Council and the official start of the trialogue,” reminds UNTRR.

The Carriers’ Union hopes that the appointment of a European Commissioner from Romania to the Transport helm will help change the current law provisions unfavorable to the Romanian carriers.

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