Acasă » Electricity » USR will recall the Minister of Energy in Parliament to offer explanations regarding energy prices

USR will recall the Minister of Energy in Parliament to offer explanations regarding energy prices

9 February 2022

Save Romania Union (USR) will recall in Parliament the Minister of Energy, Virgil Popescu, to give explanations regarding the increase of the prices for electricity and natural gas and to present the solutions it has for the energy crisis, said the USR Deputy Chamber member Cristina Prună. She said at the parliament on Wednesday that “PSD, PNL and the current majority have formed a bloc in front of Minister Virgil Popescu and rejected the simple motion” against the Minister of Energy.

The motion against Virgil Popescu was suspended on Monday and then resumed behind closed doors on Wednesday, after he was reprimanded by the leader of the extremist right-wing AUR party, George Simion, during a speech in the Chamber’s rostrum. The prosecutor’s office has opened a criminal case against Simion. The USR motion was rejected.

“Virgil Popescu is responsible for the mockery regarding the energy bill crisis. He made fun of millions of Romanians, of Romanian enterprises, some of them closed one by one, and of an entire energy sector. Today, in the Parliament, instead of talking about this simple motion and instead of having Minister Virgil Popescu present in the hall, PSD and PNL totally changed the agenda and put on the table a regulation to ban the live transmissions of the PMs in the Parliament building. It seems that this is what the Romanians are interested in, how the parliamentarians do or do not do live transmissions here in the Parliament,” said Cristina Prună, according to Agerpres.

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